
「Smee社出品的二次元恋爱题材视觉小说,讲述的是从没有女朋友的男主在父母跟妹妹的催促下参加了和朋友的联谊会之后,与各位妹子进行邂逅的爱情故事。总共有5名角色可以 ...,Areyoutiredoffighting?LoversofAetheristhegameforyou!ThisisawholesomeanimaldatingsimulatorsetintheworldofRivalsofAether.,【想对你说】.“爱人”不是Lover的直译,而是作为动词,如何爱人?爱之模样…却有千万种。既有青涩眷恋,便有薄情寡义;既有...

在Steam 購買Making*Lovers 即可省下50%

「Smee社出品的二次元恋爱题材视觉小说,讲述的是从没有女朋友的男主在父母跟妹妹的催促下参加了和朋友的联谊会之后,与各位妹子进行邂逅的爱情故事。总共有5名角色可以 ...

Lovers of Aether

Are you tired of fighting? Lovers of Aether is the game for you! This is a wholesome animal dating simulator set in the world of Rivals of Aether.


【想对你说】. “爱人”不是Lover的直译,而是作为动词,如何爱人?爱之模样…却有千万种。 既有青涩眷恋,便有薄情寡义;既有忠贞不渝,便有朝三暮四。人性复杂,本是如此。

Office lovers

It's a romance game where you can experience the thrill of an office romance where you have to keep your relationship secret. What will happen when you're ...


Making*Lovers A story about the way love can bloom after dating begins. The focus in Making*Lovers is on the things that come after a relationship's ...

Monospaced Lovers

2023年9月21日 — 探索唯美的手繪世界. ✨ 故事採用了非線性敘事,並且將探索收集類的玩法與RPG 式的劇情任務相結合。在這個精美的手繪世界裏,你可以和原住民狸貓聊天、 ...

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

LOVERS IN A DANGEROUS SPACETIME is a frantic 1- to 4-player couch co-op action space shooter. Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon battleship that you ...